3 Tips For Dealing With A Volatile Ex During Your Divorce

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3 Tips For Dealing With A Volatile Ex During Your Divorce

3 Tips For Dealing With A Volatile Ex During Your Divorce

27 October 2016
Law, Blog

Divorce can be difficult, but add in a vengeful and volatile ex and, at times, the divorce process can seem impossible. If you're dealing with such a situation, consider the three tips below for dealing with a volatile ex during your divorce.

Document, Document, Document

If you're dealing with an ex who's looking to make your life miserable, then the absolute first step you need to take when communicating with them is to only speak through mail, email, or text message (or even better, through an attorney), and document each and every conversation that you have.

When you document previous conversations, it's a lot more difficult for your ex to twist your words and use false allegations against you. This can also come in handy during mediation sessions or court proceedings, as your ex cannot make false claims against you. For example, your ex cannot claim that you withheld your children from him if you have proof that you emailed him or otherwise contacted him in writing to coordinate the next scheduled visit.

Hire an Attorney

While it's true that many divorces can be done without the help of a knowledgeable attorney, divorces with volatile or vengeful ex's should be handled with extreme care.

If you have an ex who is consumed with making your life difficult, then an experienced divorce attorney is your best bet at getting all that you deserve in the divorce proceedings. Attorneys who have experience handling difficult ex's can help you to keep your cool and ensure that you don't feel intimidated or used by your ex. For example, your attorney can guide you on how to best communicate with your ex (if necessary) and how to be sure that everything you do is legal and won't backfire on you during the proceedings.

Have Your Attorney Read All Communications Prior to Sending

This can be a pain, but it's an important step to take for someone who is leaving a highly volatile or emotionally abusive marriage.

You will learn to communicate with your ex in a detached manner, but that takes a lot of time and effort. For now, it's best to defer to your attorney when responding to your ex in anyway. Your attorney can look at each response in an objective manner, and they can advise you on things you should or should not say. This can be an invaluable resource during the beginning stages of your divorce, and it can save you a lot of heartache and back-and-forth between yourself and your ex.

To learn more about how an attorney can help you to deal with a difficult ex, consult with an experienced family law attorney in your area.

About Me
lost a loved one to negligence? What now?

Have you recently lost a loved one to a tragedy? If you have lost a loved one at the fault of someone else, it is time for you to make that person accept the responsibility for his or her neglect. Having gone through the wrongful death process myself, I have learned quite a bit about how the system works. I was filled with questions and was fortunate to have a patient and understanding lawyer working with me. I have compiled everything that I had learned through that time into one site to help others going through one of the most difficult times in their lives.
